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Where soil, water, air, and light are available, weeds grow. Weeds can grow even in your best liking place as of the presence of the said things. These weeds are called the ‘reviled’ plants. The natural weeds killer can help you to remove the unwanted weeds. Eco-friendly people, these days seek how to make natural weed killers to get rid of weeds naturally.
However, the weeds always find their path in the flower bed in the garden and grow faster, proudly, even everywhere as they imagine. When there are kids or pets, you always want to abstain from spraying harmful chemicals in your yard. The majority of the people like to remove these weeds from their lawns as they are annoying to them. For removing the said weeds, there is some solution.
Table of Contents
How to Make Natural Weed Killer?
There are various methods of removing weeds from the lawn and garden like chemical, organic, etc. Here, we will go for the natural and organic ways to solve the said issue, as the majority of the people are avoiding using the harmful chemical method.
Here are a few tips for you, which will help to relieve you in this regard. Let’s see the tips below:
Tips # 01: Pulling Weeds by Hand
Pulling weeds by hand is the best reliable solution for removing the reviled weeds. Before doing the task, you need to wear a pair of hand gloves. By using the hand glove, you can save your hands from cuts, outbreaks, and related others. Before buying the hand glove, you have to make sure first that is the glove fits you beautiful and durable. As a result, you will feel comfortable using it.
Tips # 02: Using Ground Cover
By using a ground cover, you can get relief from the weeds for the time being, not forever. You have to cover your lawn with a ground cover to keep on top of weeds. The cover should be robust and durable. Since excess sunlight and wind are under the cap, plants can’t grow there, even the weeds as well.
Best lawn edgers are available here.
Tips # 03: Using Salt and Vinegar
Here is the third tip that is “using salt and vinegar” to remove the weeds naturally. You have to follow the recipe below:
O1. White vinegar (household): 1 gallon.
- Salt: 1 cup.
- Liquid Dish Soap: 1 Tablespoon.
Combine the ingredients in a spray bottle. Now, spray this vinegar weeds killer on the weeds. To get the best results, spray when the sunlight is bright.
Lawn care tips for spring are here.
Tips # 04: Using Epsom Salt and Apple Cider Vinegar
- Here is the tip number four that is “Using Epsom Salt and Apple Cider Vinegar, “which will kill the weeds naturally with the below recipe:
- Apple Cider Vinegar: 2 cups.
- Epsom Salt: ½ cup.
Now, we need a spray bottle to use this. You have to fill apple cider vinegar into the spray bottle. Put a funnel on the mouth of the spray bottle, add the Epsom salt, and shake the bottle for mixing well the ingredients. Now, it is ready for spraying on the weeds. As a result, the weeds will be no more within a short time, even with a day. Remember, as vinegar works really and highly useful for the above purpose, don’t use over doze.
Tips # 05: Using Salt and Hot Water
- This remedy works instantly and works well for the younger weeds and the sidewalk cracks. This remedy is less cruel than the recipe that contains vinegar. That is why it gives you results instantly, especially for the new growth weeds. So, this remedy can kill the said weeds quickly. The recipe is as below:
- Water: 1 pot.
- Salt: 1 tablespoon.
You have to boil a pot of water first. Have to add a tablespoon of salt in the bowl. Now, spray the remedy over the weeds as soon as possible while the water is still hot. This formula will give the results more or less instantly.
Tips # 06: Using Soap and Water
By using soap and water, the weeds will remove naturally. Let’s see the recipe which is as below:
Water: 10 parts.
Liquid Dish Detergent: 01 part.
Take a spray bottle. Put water 10 (ten) parts into the container. Then, add 1(one) part of the liquid dish detergent in the same bottle. Shake for mixing the ingredients. Now, spray the remedy on the weeds during the hottest time of the day. The water will vanish due to the heat, and the soap of the solution will make the weeds dry.
10% – 20% of vinegar is a very strong and powerful medicine. Before using this vinegar, you must have to wear the followings things below:
- Goggles
- Rubber gloves
- Long sleeves and
- Shoe
If you don’t use these things during the time of spray, the 20% potent vinegar can cause you to burn your skin and can be very painful for you. As the products dispel fast, keep your pets far away for a few hours from the areas applying. Otherwise, small pets can be affected if they come in close contact shortly.
Secrete of getting best Results:
Nevertheless, you will never get the best results if you don’t apply it correctly. This solution will only work while it will be used in the day time with the sunlight for the duration of the heat when the sun is in the middle of the day.
If it is raining, stop applying. If it rained yesterday, also quit. If the rain forecast within 24 hours, avoid applying. Never use it if the soil is wet as well as on a windy day.
This list includes the hidden and real secrets of killing the weeds of your lawn and garden.
Find the best garden tillers and electric hedge trimmers here.
Caution is the Final Weed Killer
The Weeds are always a pain in the lawn and garden. They are unsurprising without alert eyes and be lively active in the lawn and garden continuation plan.
Learn something visually here.
We hope how to make natural weed killer mentioned above can help you to solve your weeds issue. Let’s be responsible for the environment in solving all problems faced in your lawn care.